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Help! !964 wiper motor wiring connector

  • Thread starter Thread starter robert64
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I got caught in the rain last weekend. First time I have used the wipers since the motor was rebuilt a year ago. They worked fine for about 40 minutes. (both lo/hi speed) I shut them off for a minute or two, then turned them back on. No workee no more. Got home and tried them in the garage. I could hear the relay operating but no wipers. I pulled the 3 pin connector from the motor and as I did one of the wires broke(fell) off. Do the pins in the connector slide out somehow so that I can resolder the conn. or do I have to buy a new 3 pin connector and if so where can I purchase one? Any help appreciated. Regards, Bob
Got it. You can push down on a tab by sliding a small nail file down beside the contact and then at the same time pull out from the wiring end. Regards, Bob

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