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A/C control?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2004
1975 Orange L-82 4 Sp.
Can someone direct me to a link or help with the wiring of the A/C control in the center console some of the wires are still there but are spliced with individual switches controling comp. on-off and something else . Two seprate switches I got one of those kits to rebuild the thumbwheel switches and the points style sdwitch on the side thats all done, but now i'm trying to guess which switch does what, it appears they work in conjunction with each other.
I know one set goes to the vertical switch on the side on the other to the horz.,also each switch has a 12 volt /acc./ and ground any help would be greatly apr. as my project is nearing completion and I my be able to get some road time before it's time to paint it
Come on guys,I could really use some help here. about the only thing I can offer is a map to my favorite fishing holes, seriously I could really use some help!
You need to get a copy of the AIM (Assembly instruction manual) for your year vette. Take a look at E-bay. My AIM for my '75 has a very good diagram of the AC control, which is vacuum controlled.

I have one I got from Corvette America I can't say the detail in mine is that good,all it shows is a vage black and white no wire connections or colors What I need is wire colors and attachment points. where did you get yours
hey by the way is your car flame red or orange
Ron is correct. Best source is the AIM. Also, I have recently seen color coded wire diaghrams for 1975's on E-bay for sale.-George
The Wiring diagrams in the Service manual are better quality. also lectric limited has laminated wiring diagrams for most years. If some one talks me through adding thumbnails to my post, I'll post a pic of the laminated one showing the AC diagram.
go to the tab Forums and then Send New Messages its going to be a privite message and go to the Text box where you type a message and click on the Post Card thing which is left to the # icon.

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