If you've had the paint completely removed from your C2, or are changing to a different colour, here's a tip.
Most paintshops will not paint far enough inside the door openings. Why? Because they are used to most cars having interior trim pieces that cover more of the opening than our cars.
Luckily, I have some extra paint because I'm having to work my way around both upper sides and the tops of the door openings (coupe) to add about a 1/4" of colour.
It's always something. :eyerole
Most paintshops will not paint far enough inside the door openings. Why? Because they are used to most cars having interior trim pieces that cover more of the opening than our cars.
Luckily, I have some extra paint because I'm having to work my way around both upper sides and the tops of the door openings (coupe) to add about a 1/4" of colour.
It's always something. :eyerole