Originally posted by Rob
Ok....here's the status on the signature size issue....since I've only gotten a handful of replies back....based upon the ideas of those that responded to me and my own personal ideas, I'll made a couple of decisions.
I'll be the first to admit that I love looking at Vette pictures and can never get enough of them. However, for those of you that aren't familiar with web design/development, pictures do slow a web site down. When you're on broadband, or accessing a T1 line, pictures are a moot point. The page/site will load extremely quick and they aren't a problem. Unfortunately, that's not the case for a lot of home internet users. So, in order to abide by the mission statement that I set up for the Corvette Action Center a long time ago: "To deliver Corvette news and information as quickly as possible", I propose the following:
...Since most of the members that replied, like the idea of being able to put a "Vette to a post/member", we'll allow one Vette picture in a signature. Now....take your thumb and press it against your monitor screen (just do it! ),
that is the average size your picture should be. A wee bit bigger is fine, but not much. I'm going to play around with some sizes so that I can come up with exact measurements for everyone to work by.