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A question for Junk

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

Hey Junk, I have a 64 coupe 327 300hp. The engine has hydraulic lifters and a very mild cam. Question to you is this. Would it be safe for me to use Red Line 10w30 oil in it? Thanks for your input.:beer
Hey Junk, I have a 64 coupe 327 300hp. The engine has hydraulic lifters and a very mild cam. Question to you is this. Would it be safe for me to use Red Line 10w30 oil in it? Thanks for your input.:beer
;shrug;shrug;shrugI haven't a clue what the spec's are on the Red Line lubricants,I've never used them!;shrug;shrug;shrug
But I did find a post of JohnZ's in a thread,and I'm sure he has the right answer!!:thumb
And I'd go with his recommendations on midyears any day over mine!!!:thumb


What's more important for a midyear is to choose an oil with the proper level of ZDDP/Phosphorus anti-wear additive to protect the cam lobes and lifters, as they're not rollerized like the later cars. Do NOT use conventional "SM"-rated oil - their ZDDP level has been reduced to a max of 800ppm to protect catalytic converter efficiency on modern cars. Select any "CJ"-rated diesel oil, like Shell Rotella, Mobil Delvac, Chevron Delo, etc; they all have 1200ppm of ZDDP, and you don't need any special wear additives with "CJ"-rated oils.

That's as simple as it gets, and that's all you need to know to select an oil that will protect your cam and lifters. The most common weight available in "CJ"-rated oils is 15W40, and it works fine. :thumb

From what I can find in a quick Google...

zddp in redline is 1360, phos is 1260 and moly is 950ppm

I hope that helps...


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