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A Quick note from your Callaway Moderator, w/in>>


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2002
Folks, I just want to take a minute to provide a status report...

A lot of great things have been happening in the Callaway arena :) For starters, Last night, CAC Forum member Crosschkm typed in post # 3500 for this forum - That cements this Forum, as a huge success :m Cross is our newest Callaway owner as he recently purchased 90-019 and from what I have read, he will not be afraid to hammer the throttle :D Enjoy your car once you receive it!!!!

Another great thing coming up is Callaways @ Carlisle which is at the annual Corvettes @ Carlisle show in August.
If you need help w/ registration or more info on this great 3 day show, check out the Events section at www.callawayownersgroup.com

Over the past month, we have seen a few neat Callaways pop up for sale... Some Supernaturals, an elusive "100 plus package" Twin Turbo, and now a Super Speedster - Neat stuff however, the crown jewel must be the C7 listed on Callaways for sale section :) I wish I could fit those machines into my garage but with all that's out there, there are some tough choices to be made...

Thank you to everyone who has made this site the success it is and I would also like to welcome our newest members as we have had a lot of new faces show up here lately - One request I have though... Please post more pics of your Callaways if you can - this site is very friendly for uploads.

I hope you enjoy this info site as much as I am!!
Thanks *89x2*
...post on :m
I agree very nice job:beer
Thanks to Chris and everyone's participation here I feel as though we're keeping the spirit alive and generating a lot of awareness about the Callaway Corvette era!

See you all at Carlisle!

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