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Acceleration bogging down on morning starts


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2002
1996 Black Coupe - LT4
I am having a problem with acceleration bogging down on morning starts.

It starts fine, but when i get on the road and hit the gas nothing happens. I push pedal to the floor and get nothing. Car just bogs down. When i try again, the pedal goes down about 1/2 way and i get resistance, with acceleration lag and popping and car jumps in acceleration like its finally kicking in. I try again, same thing, bogs down, resistance, then pop and car jumps in acceleration. This goes on several times as i hit the gas pedal down.

This will last about 1-2 mins of driving. After that, the car will return to normal during the day. I am fine if i go out for lunch, as well as my trip home from work.

I get home about 4:30pm and typically leave just after 7am the next morning. So car sits 14.5 hrs over night.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I am having a problem with acceleration bogging down on morning starts.

It starts fine, but when i get on the road and hit the gas nothing happens. I push pedal to the floor and get nothing. Car just bogs down. When i try again, the pedal goes down about 1/2 way and i get resistance, with acceleration lag and popping and car jumps in acceleration like its finally kicking in. I try again, same thing, bogs down, resistance, then pop and car jumps in acceleration. This goes on several times as i hit the gas pedal down.

This will last about 1-2 mins of driving. After that, the car will return to normal during the day. I am fine if i go out for lunch, as well as my trip home from work.

I get home about 4:30pm and typically leave just after 7am the next morning. So car sits 14.5 hrs over night.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Are any idiot lights on the driver information center on when the problem happens?

Could be a dirty or bad wheel speed sensor.

Turn off the ASR and see if the problem is still there.

The ASR system can control the throttle body linkage which could be the resistance in the gas pedal you mention.

If this is a 96 you need a OBDII code reader to read any PCM codes.
You can take a piece of wire and connect either pin 4 or pin 5 which are both ground to pin 12.
Turn the ignition ON ( don't start the car) look at the dash cluster speedometer and the different
modules will display any error codes in the LCD.

Module 1 is the CCM
Module 9 is the ABS/TCS
Module A is the air bag

Pin out for the OBDII connector located above drivers right knee.

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No idiot lights on when i started. Jumped 4 to 12 and got C12 with a little 1. underneath. No other codes, it cycled through 9, A and 1.0.

I turned off the ASR, gave it a try. Hit the gas, resistance, bog, pop, and then Service Engine light came on.

I jumped again, same code C12. Service Engine light still on.
No idiot lights on when i started. Jumped 4 to 12 and got C12 with a little 1. underneath. No other codes, it cycled through 9, A and 1.0.

I turned off the ASR, gave it a try. Hit the gas, resistance, bog, pop, and then Service Engine light came on.

I jumped again, same code C12. Service Engine light still on.

If the SES light is On that indicates a PCM (Powetrain Control Module) error code has set.
If you have an Advance Auto or Auto Zone near you they can retrieve the codes for free using a OBDII code reader.

On your 96 you can't display PCM engine codes on the LCD because it isn't capable of displaying the number of digits used by OBDII codes.
Sounds like it's time for a simple tune up. How old are your spark plugs?

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