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Oct 23, 2009
crewe va
I want to ask the pros which-who -where is the best and easiest assembly and instruction manual for me to get to start an off frame restoration of a 1962 vette. There are several around but sure you all already know which is best! Thanks in advance for any help.
I want to ask the pros which-who -where is the best and easiest assembly and instruction manual for me to get to start an off frame restoration of a 1962 vette. There are several around but sure you all already know which is best! Thanks in advance for any help.

Some are better than others, but all of them are copies of copies; I've had good luck with the ones from the NCRS on-line store at www.ncrs.org.

That's where I got mine also.

Welcome to the CAC.

If you're going to do the job right there's three books you need.

1) the Factory Service Manual for 62. Back then, a "Service" and an "Overhaul" manual may have been available and they probably covered more than just Corvette. Also, some model years had a separate book for the body.

2) an "Assembly Manual", this was a book used at the factory to show workers how to build the cars. They are available in reproduction versions for many model years.

3) A copy of Noland Adams' Corvette Restoration and Technical Guilde: Volume 1 which covers C1.
The ST-12 Ed noted is also known as the "1953-62 Corvette Servicing Guide"; it's the only Shop Manual GM ever published for the C1 Corvettes. A required companion for the ST-12 is the 1961 Passenger Car Shop Manual, plus the 1962 Passenger Car Shop Manual Supplement; the latter two cover all the shared components and systems that are NOT included in the Corvette-only ST-12. All are available from the NCRS on-line store at www.ncrs.org.


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