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Alternator Rebuild Issue


Well-known member
May 17, 2003
upstate New York
former L81 owner!
It seems like I've run into one small issue after another the last few weeks. Todays problem: I'm having trouble getting the nut back on the alternator (the large one that holds on the fan and pulley). The first few threads got a little marred (due to my careless-ness) and now I can't get the nut started. I tried looking for a die that I could use to clean-up the threads, but nobody seems to carry them that large...plus I am not certain as to the exact thread size and pitch. Does anybody have any suggestions?!

...hoping to start her up this weekend!

Tim ..find a small triangular file (sears or a good hardware store). take the file and run one edge along the bad section of the alt theads. basically you will be cleaning the valley between the thread pitches. depending on how you 'boogered' the threads up you may ,also end up removing some of the top edge of the thread a small amount isn't an issue. the nut will still function correctly.

hope this helps...email me if i can help further

The file is a good idea, dosent very often work for me!!! If you cant get it, Do you have someone in your area that re-builds starters alt. and so on???? Good Luck!!!!:D
DRAGS, i have gotten alot of practice doing that . after awhile it's second-nature. many times i've been called to a ride that's broke down and all i have are the tools in a pouch. ya' learn to improvise on the run...literally

Bubba....rides are us

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