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Question: aluminum valve cover torque

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
I know the just snug em down, but I always seam to snug em down with a little extra and then something usually bad happens.
So my question is ? Is there a torque value for just snug em down. These are aluminum small block valve covers...

Thank you
Paul :grouphug:
My 63/64 shop manual says 2-4 lbs.
Thanks ed,s64, I couldn't find anything in my 66 book. I was thinking around 6 lbs ? So my thinking wasn't to
far off...
I usually use the in/lb torque wrench on 1/4 inch bolts and smaller. Most specs for 1/4 inch bolts seem to be in in/lb these days.

The type of gasket you use would also make a difference. Factory specs will be for plain cork. If you are using Fel Pro, Super Seal or some better type of material I'd go to their web site to see if they have a special requirement for clamping force. It could be listed on the packaging also. I think the torque spec is more a product of the gasket material and whether or not it has bolt sleeves to prevent crushing than of the rocker cover material.


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