'75 Roadster Registry,
This will be my last post on this issue so it doesn't appear to be a flame or offend anyone, but to address your response, yes I live in Canada, but am Russian-Canadian, Not American. As to how I got my nickname that's another story.
And yes I have created several WebPages that provided many a service.
To get individuals to give up their cold hard cash you have to have something they want of offer something they cant get elsewhere for free or less.
Look at CAC, lots and lots of new content, forums that have no equal as far as people and help, not to mention the general comradery around these parts, it make one feel welcome.
You on the other hand are running a web site off your free sympatico web page space that you get with your internet connection. You do offer a news letter, in print I assume but as to what it covers or content is in it is unknown.
You claim to want to share information but all you have so far shared is the same content that is available elsewhere. If I was a 75 vert owner I would like to know of others in my potential area, and I would expect a registry to make this information available, why else would one register? If the only person that knows this information is yourself I think we call that the government.
With regards to people not wanting to display information great, understandable, but not even a mention as to something like 100 corvettes now registered or 10 In Texas 40 in New York etc, it just seems odd that this information isn't available.
Time is money to quote you is not a completely true, some of us do it for the love of the vette at great personal expense, read the boards you will see many people that use almost every possible dollar and every free chance they have, all to restore a legend.
As I have previously stated I don't own a vert but my interest in and love of corvettes led me to check out your site.
I'm glad you have the free time to actively pursue local organization, that further the corvette way of life. Unfortunately my free time does not allow this, as I am of those individuals that spend my time with my vettes.