I'm pretty sure you'll be alright just ordering parts from them. As previsouly stated, the shipping is way high, but sometimes there is no one else that has that part.
But, i will always look somewhere else first, before i go to Eck..
I had good experiences getting parts, although expensive, that no one else had, but when i send them my radio for repair, it was a disaster. Not only did no one call me for an update, but once i finally got all things squared away and i got A radio back, it wasnt mine..
Yes it works, BUT.. If i had wanted another radio i could have spend a lot of money for a cd player/mp3 radio, and not get the old Delco repaired, plus having to hassle them for 3 months was a bear. Loads of arrogance in that service department..
As i said: You should be good if you only get parts. Hopefully all is going well.