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Any New News?

TTT are they still having the cruise at Mid America? I haven't seen anything for a while.
Still on, Mike. :thumb The registration form is being worked up now.

More soon.
:wJane Ann
Jane Ann any idea on when the information will be made public for the CAC Cruise at Mid America in June? ;shrug
Hey Mike... sorry I missed your last post. Still trying to nail down details so that a Registration form can be released.

You've got the basics, right?

Thursday June 10th - Sunday June 13th. Checkout on Monday the 14th.

CruiseFest 2010 Hotel Information and Phone# <----- thread

:wJane Ann
I am surprised that Mid America is not advertising this event more. How many people do you think will be there? This will be my first CAC event. Can you tell me what all will be going on at the event? Not sure what I will be driving, I just sold both of my Corvettes to a guy in Austria so I am on the lookout for more Corvettes. I am looking at a 66 Coupe Sunfire Yellow / Black # matching 4 spd now. We will see.

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