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Anyone use ceramic pro on their car


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
2002 Roadster
Has anyone tried using a ceramic coating on their paint?

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I am using the Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Surface Coating system on 2 of my cars, my Vette and my Subaru DD that is parked outside. The Subaru still beads water after 2 years which I think is damn good, and it still looks good after a wash. The Vette has had the system it on for 2 years also but it is parked inside so it's not such a good test. I did purchase some Pinnacle Souvern wax as a test just this year. I removed 1/2 of the ceramic seal coating on my hood and trunk lid with a 3 step polish system polish and put 4 coats of Souvern wax in place of the ceramic coating. Since the coating and wax are side by side on each panel I thought it would be a good test. Inside my garage under huge LED overhead lighting, and outside under natural sunlight and cloudy conditions, I have not been able to see a difference in shine between the two, and I have been looking really close at different angles. I am a serious fan of the Pinnacle Black Label Surface Coating system for shine and durability, but it is not cheap.
Apply by hand or with an orbital buffer?

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Apply by hand or with an orbital buffer?

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It was a 5 step process for both vehicles, wash, clay, 3 step polish, and ceramic coating.

For the polishing I used my Flex rotary polisher (not a DA) for adjustments, and for the final two polish steps my Porter Cable DA. The ceramic sealant is applied with a foam pad and removed with a micro fiber cloth.

For the test areas with Pinnacle Sovern (sp?) wax I used the Porter Cable DA for both the polish and wax application since no adjustments were needed.
Detroits Dream Cruise is this weekend and over in Grand Rapids our Metro Cruise is next weekend, I won't have time to try it before then.
BUT I definitely want to before I put her up for the season.

I watched a you tube video and I believe I can do it.

What about small scratches and chips?

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Detroits Dream Cruise is this weekend and over in Grand Rapids our Metro Cruise is next weekend, I won't have time to try it before then.
BUT I definitely want to before I put her up for the season.

I watched a you tube video and I believe I can do it.

What about small scratches and chips?

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The chips I just fill in with GM touch up paint and just let it sit a little higher than the OEM clear coat. You could sand the "paint blob" down with 2000 and 3000 grit paper and then buff it out, but I haven't done that yet.

Small scratches I use the small rotary buffer (not a DA) like the Flex I have and a microfiber disc. Works fast and does a good job, you just have to be really careful of the heat generated since it is a direct drive unit. I have tried my DA buffers on small scratches with microfiber discs, but never get the same results as the direct drive rotary. For polishing after the scratches are removed I use a DA orbital, they are easier to use and do not leave swirl marks like a direct drive rotary can.

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