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Question: Are these C1 or C2 jack handles/wrenches?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark M
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Mark M

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Usually a lurker here. Found these in a parts stash this weekend. I know the Vette handles/wrenches do not have holes in the handles. These do not.

Could be Corvair, but those usually have holes in them. Would someone tell me if they are Corvette? If they are, they are for sale. One is in good condition, very little rust. The other is more rough, but restoreable.


They might be '63-'64 Corvette wrenches; 65's had one hole in the handle, and '66-'67 had three holes.

lug wrenches

A lug wrench_2_1.jpg

Thanks. I came across another one last night and while I was looking at them I noticed that two of them have the letter "A" stamped on the socket rod - not on the handle itself. The other has no stamp.

Does the A indicate anything? I'm guessing as to what they are worth and would just as soon make sure a Vette owner has them, but I don't want to present them as Vette wrenches and find out they are not.

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Thanks. I came across another one last night and while I was looking at them I noticed that two of them have the letter "A" stamped on the socket rod - not on the handle itself. The other has no stamp.

Does the A indicate anything? I'm guessing as to what they are worth and would just as soon make sure a Vette owner has them, but I don't want to present them as Vette wrenches and find out they are not.


Most Corvette jack handles had a raised "O" forged on the conical portion of the socket end.
At least one looks like its Corvette.

Most Corvette jack handles had a raised "O" forged on the conical portion of the socket end.

Thanks for all the help everyone. One lug wrench/handle does have the raised "o" forged on the socket end. The others do not, but do have an "A" stamped on the rod of the socket end.

I put the one with the "o" on eBay in case anyone is interested.

Corvette Lug Wrench Original 63 64 65 or 66 67 : eBay Motors (item 280570994297 end time Oct-14-10 12:11:42 PDT)

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