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Are You Planning On Going?

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
How many or who all plan to attend the Winter NCRS Event in FL. Jan. of 2010?
As it stands right now I plan to be there and hope to have 2 booth spaces. If and when I find out the booth space numbers, you are all invited to stop by and say Hi. When I get the booth space numbers or locatin I will post it for all to see. Yes we will be there to relax and to drink a few (or so) adult beverages. May even have a few to share with other CAC members. :beer :beer :beer
How many or who all plan to attend the Winter NCRS Event in FL. Jan. of 2010?
As it stands right now I plan to be there and hope to have 2 booth spaces. If and when I find out the booth space numbers, you are all invited to stop by and say Hi. When I get the booth space numbers or locatin I will post it for all to see. Yes we will be there to relax and to drink a few (or so) adult beverages. May even have a few to share with other CAC members. :beer :beer :beer

I do the assignments for new venders in early Jan. We also do a vender index that will be avaible. Its not like Carslile, its on about 9 acres and can be circulated quickly.

31st Regional Winter Meet

Bring some 55 parts I could use some odds and ends.

I just got odds and end C2 and C3 parts and will be bringing a car also to sell. Brett may have some 55 stuff but I don't.
I'm on the show committee (25+ years) so I'll be there, too!!
This will be my first time there but we all have to start somewhere and sometime. Looking forward to meeting al of you.
I'll be there. I'll be the one over by 1953#029, quietly laughing after seeing the "REAL" 029.;LOL
I'll be there Wednesday thru Saturday, leaving Sunday - judging Friday, wandering the rest of the time, staying at the host hotel. :)

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