Just felt obligated to all owners with black or dark colored Vettes who are
victims of paint hazing and/or swirl marks. As a proud owner of my first Vette,I was proud that I not only located and bought my dream Vette, I was fortunate enough find one in my favorite color...BLACK.
Knowing this I also knew that I had my work cut out for me ...those with Black or dark colored Vettes can attest to this.... an absolute $#%!@ to keep clean and polish. Now lets see I thought Hmmm... Is my old stand by still on the market?? I hoped and wondered.
"Back in da day" (that would be the mid to late 80's for me) I had an 87
Black Trans-Am with digital dash. 305 TPI with T -Tops. I looked at her as a distant cousin to a Vette which I could not afford. :cry But I was grateful non the less. I kept her clean and oh so polished ;worship and was respected by my peers for it!!
Yearning for the glory of days gone past, and now having obtained my Vette, I was insearch for my old standby "SCRATCHOUT" by KIT. Having checked about 5 stores I was without luck...no ScratchOUT to be found
Its been almost 12 years since I last used the stuff maybe it is no longer made I thought. I know I'll do a Google search when I get home!! First though I have to run into Walmart to pick up some stuff for my wife.
I said to myself...let me check their auto dept maybe they have it. WOW
on the bottom of the shelf there it was. I bought up 2 as they are small 8oz
or something. I figured if I buy one, they may not restock so let me grab the last two. There was a restock label on the shelf so hopefully they will.
Anyways..after all my rant and rave, If anyone has a Black or dark colored Vette who hates the hazing and/or swirl marks in the paint give this stuff a try if you can locate it. It is in a small yellow platic bottle. It is quite good
I wash n dry , polish with Meguiars and then finish off with SCRATCHOUT
Boy I tell you the paint comes out like a mirror!!!
Just a little help for all my new friends out there!! Hope you try the stuff...
and NOOOO !! I dont work for the company:eyerole
victims of paint hazing and/or swirl marks. As a proud owner of my first Vette,I was proud that I not only located and bought my dream Vette, I was fortunate enough find one in my favorite color...BLACK.
Knowing this I also knew that I had my work cut out for me ...those with Black or dark colored Vettes can attest to this.... an absolute $#%!@ to keep clean and polish. Now lets see I thought Hmmm... Is my old stand by still on the market?? I hoped and wondered.
"Back in da day" (that would be the mid to late 80's for me) I had an 87
Black Trans-Am with digital dash. 305 TPI with T -Tops. I looked at her as a distant cousin to a Vette which I could not afford. :cry But I was grateful non the less. I kept her clean and oh so polished ;worship and was respected by my peers for it!!
Yearning for the glory of days gone past, and now having obtained my Vette, I was insearch for my old standby "SCRATCHOUT" by KIT. Having checked about 5 stores I was without luck...no ScratchOUT to be found
Its been almost 12 years since I last used the stuff maybe it is no longer made I thought. I know I'll do a Google search when I get home!! First though I have to run into Walmart to pick up some stuff for my wife.
I said to myself...let me check their auto dept maybe they have it. WOW
on the bottom of the shelf there it was. I bought up 2 as they are small 8oz
or something. I figured if I buy one, they may not restock so let me grab the last two. There was a restock label on the shelf so hopefully they will.
Anyways..after all my rant and rave, If anyone has a Black or dark colored Vette who hates the hazing and/or swirl marks in the paint give this stuff a try if you can locate it. It is in a small yellow platic bottle. It is quite good
I wash n dry , polish with Meguiars and then finish off with SCRATCHOUT
Boy I tell you the paint comes out like a mirror!!!
Just a little help for all my new friends out there!! Hope you try the stuff...
and NOOOO !! I dont work for the company:eyerole