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Award Winning 62 Corvette


Active member
Apr 30, 2007
Annandale, VA
1996 Grand Sport; 1998 Pace car; 1978 Pace car
Hi All:

I just wrote an on line article about an award winning 1962 Corvette. The article can be found here.

Enjoy! Questions or comments are always welcome.
How great is it that he was able to buy his car back. Shows you that you really need to think long and hard about selling the "one".

This car was on the cover of the NCRS bi monthly magazine "The Corvette Restorer" back in the late seventies. There was a nice article about Don buying the car and going through it mechaniclly in preparation for the Bend Tour. He and his father in law overhauled the engine, suspension, brakes etc. in a short time period. Great old car . Glad to see he's still got it. Rich
Great memory Rich. It is nice to see someone hang onto their Corvette for so many years.

Thanks for sharing the article Bruce.


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