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Jun 24, 2002
Severn, MD USA
2016 C7.R Z06 "ROSA" - black 'Vert w/yellow accent
For those who may care - did make the round trip to St Chalres, MO in my 1963 Z06 - around 2600 miles total and used 166 gallons of gas, which comes to around 16 mpg! was excited to get that kind of mileage! did not get the Duntov, which was the goal - did get TOP FLIGHT - don't remember the exact score, but think I mised by around 20 points! thought exterior judges were particularly harsh, especially since the car is ALL original body wise!
Sorry to hear you didn't get the Duntov, but TOP FLITE is awesome! :cool Congrats!

Any photos to share? :naughty:

:wJane Ann
thanks for the response - trying to pix posted on website - will let everyone know once site is up
Too bad you didn't get the Dutov. I hope the enjoyment of driving your car all those miles put some smiles on your face to make up for it.


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