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May 22, 2002
Syracuse, New York
1973 Coupe & 1992 ZR-1
I picked up my 1992 ZR-1 from storage last Friday after 7 long months of winter. The battery was completely discharged, so I had to jump start it. It took a few tries to get it running. The first try resulted in a backfire from the engine. When I drove the 20 miles home after gasing up, the engine was missfiring and the check engine light came on. When I arrived home I ran the codes and got a MAP sensor failure. This immediately reminded me of a article on the ZR-1.net site that suggested after a backfire check the PCV and Map sensor hoses. Sure enough the MAP sensor and the PCV hoses where indeed blown off. Problem solved
Man, that's a scary sound. I had a wicked backfire happen one time also after the car sat for a while. I actually had a little cloud of smoke come from somewhere up near the air filter housing:confused :confused :eek

It freaked the heck out of me. Luckily, nothing was wrong and the next try the car ran perfectly. Very scary feeling though.....


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