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barn story comes true!!!


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2003
78 s/a paint with oyster leather l82 auto
over on the yenko chat board there is a story about a guy who purchased 5 original corvettes he found in a barn 2 63 split windows, 2 67's and a 56, they were caught in a time warp out in california.

it is just unbelievable check out www.yenko.net
Do you have a more detailed link to the story? I have not been able to find it yet.
Read it from start to finish. Wow, what a find. Sure am jealous!!! Thanks for the link.

sorry about, incomplete link, but it is an interesting story - that is one lucky guy, there is a pic of his shop and there is already about 10 cars in his shop other than the 5 vettes he just acquired
Hate to admit im a little jealous, some guys have all the luck huh?;)
I don't have time to read through all of that because I'm at work right now, but did he ever mention how much he got them all for?
Man, some people have all the luck!!! The red 63 is awsome!!! Very Very Jealous!!!

I don't have time to read through all of that because I'm at work right now, but did he ever mention how much he got them all for?
Nope, he didn't give a dollar amount, but said that they didn't come cheap. He paid what they were asking (sounded like too much, but that emotion had over ruled common sense).

What a cool story. Cool pics too.
I hate people like that! Damn! Wish I could have a find that. :mad
some people have all the luck!!!!That was an AWESOME find!!!:w :_rock
That is a great story and fantastic pictures............ thanks!!!
Within the past two years there was a similiar story in I believe WVa of two Vets. It was in Vette or Corv Fever magazine.

Then in another shed was a 57 T Bird that he bought for the wife and she didnt like the color so it sat till just a few years ago.

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