Need help with this one. I replaced a couple of lights on my instrument cluster today and have noticed something. A few months back, I had to replace the alternator not once but twice, because I thought it was not putting out enough juice. Well, the shop said there was nothing wrong with both of them, so I said o.k. Here's my problem. When the car is running normal, the guage shows charge just past the 13 mark on the guage. When I turn the lights on, it pulls down to just below the 13. If I turn the air on, it pulls down more. Here's the kicker. When driving 55 or so it is showing a charge just below the 13 mark. If I give it some gas, the charge goes even lower....:confused . Since I replaced the bulbs in the cluster, tonight the battery light would beging to show a slow dim light and the more below 13 on the guage read the brighter the light would get?
Any ideas on where the problem is. It just seems like there isn't enough being produced by the alternator when driving with things turned on. When they are off and driving, I show a charge above the 13 mark? Please help....
Any ideas on where the problem is. It just seems like there isn't enough being produced by the alternator when driving with things turned on. When they are off and driving, I show a charge above the 13 mark? Please help....