I always thought the C5 should have a slightly more aggressive hood than it has. Some aftermarket hoods are overkill, while others don't look quite right. So.... Whats everyone's favorite aftermarket hood?
I am favoring the RKSport RK5 Ram Air Hood C5 for my 99 convertible. I would like to see some pics of that hood on some other C-5's though before I buy it.
Although that one sigshooter shows looks sharp too!
How do these hoods fit in terms of lining up and which ones are the highest quality? Are they as good as stock and how hard are they to install? Everything predrilled?
A buddy of mine named Joe got a carbon fiber hood on his C5. Looks awesome. I don't know the name of the manufacturer but if you want. I would suggest you go over to www.c5forum.com and do a search on C54fun.
This hood doenst fit the magnasum supercharger though if thats what your looking for.
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