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Help! C1 Hood problem - - dumb move #78

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I took the hood off my '62 to make it easier to replace the radiator. When I picked the hood up to put it back on, I heard parts rattle around inside it. The "captive" "nuts" for the hood hinge bolts inside the hood came out of their holders. I found one and have it captured with a bolt. No sign or sound of the other one. I have shaken it, turned it every which way, thumped on it with my fist, fished around with a coat hanger........can't find the other one.

What now? So far, I can't figure out how to get the one I've captured back into it's holder. I'm thinking I'll glue it in place if I ever figure out how to get it back where it belongs. How DO you get that thing back into it's holder?

Before I start cutting holes in the hood, any suggestions on how to find the other one? Or do I just make another one, as I've seen mentioned on other posts? Then, how do you get the thing in it's place?

Disgusted in Colorado.

The other one has slid down and jammed in there someplace. The problem with not finding it is that it may work it's way loose sometime in the future and then rattle like crazy. This has been addressed here before and a search might turn up a solution.

If you had a strong earth magnet you could move the plate around wherever you wanted too. You could also use it to find the lost one. then you would know which way to jar the hood to knock it loose.

Found it.......fixed it

Using probe light, a small mirror and a magnet or two, I found the wandering "dogbone" nut and worked it back to it's corner. After several hours of fruitless attempts to get these things back in their holders, I finally drilled two 3/4 inch holes on the inside of the channel where these things sit. By bending the holder open, and using fingers, stiff wire and sheer grit, I got both back in their spots. With the access hole, I was also able to mash the holders down tight on the "nuts". I think I'm going to put some expanding insulation foam in there to hold the nuts from sliding out, but still enable them to move about a bit to adjust the hood's fit. I covered the holes with black plastic hole plugs, which are barely noticeable and unless one knew better, they look like they belong there. Since this isn't a #1 condition show car, the solution looks fine and will provide an access port if this ever happens again. The next owner might even appreciate it!

:beer It's 5 o'clock somewhere!

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