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  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Stahl
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Where do we begin to comment on that? :ugh

Wow... just wow... ;help:W:bang

that guy recently bought that car off Ebay. I thought he was going to put a snow plow on it, but he must have decided to trash it. It was weird looking to begin with. Maybe he was just putting that car out of its misery?
Heres the deal. He did buy it on ebay for 5k with a vin tag and clean title. This thing was so badly put together that nothing could be saved. He owns a Corvette repair shop so the transformation will be easy for him. He is going to shoot a frame under it motor and replace it all the panels any how. How many people always wanted to do this to there own corvette when they got fustrated ? Well someone finally did! Now it will return to a more traditional corvette.........
I've never been that frustrated with any car, let alone a Vette... :eek

Even worse...ram it into a thirdgen Camaro!!

Who in the hell made messed up that C2 with all the bad body work anyways?
The Camaro was a Donor car that was only used for the motor only. It was wrecked when he got to it! The wierd part about the car was someone actually put sooo much time into putting a jeep frame under a 64 and hand laying all that fiberglass. Oh well it will end up exactly like the car in the above picture, so thats a neat deal! In a way it was a mercy killing for the 4x4 Corvette.

Sorry for the shock factor :w
My Opinion

The video's clearly show that no one has a monopoly on studpidity.

As for his intentions, let none of you think for a minute, that he will just trash a vehicle in which he has just invested 5K.

I have a pretty good idea of what his real intentions are, and nobody should take this " lower body rear opening " for a fool. My best guess, is that the Vin, and data plate, are soon to be found, attached to a different vehicle, that was found, ( God knows how ) to be without a legal tag. Hence the need to no longer have this body hanging around !

Stay tuned to see a recently discovered 64 roadster, that will just magically appear from knowhere.


Less than 15 days from final completion of the Green 67 coupe
Even worse...ram it into a thirdgen Camaro!!

Who in the hell made messed up that C2 with all the bad body work anyways?

The jacked-up Corvette "4WD" has been pictured on the internet for ages. It was already "wrecked", so no big deal.

If you want to see how the fiberglass of a real C2 comes apart, watch the accident sequence in the Jan and Dean TV movie "Dead Man's Curve", where a '64 (what else?) is stuffed into/under the back of a truck.

Corvettes have long been recognized as good cars to crash in, as the 'glass and birdcage absorb shock gradually, protecting the occupants if they're wearing seat belts, Jan Berry unfortunately was not. Took years of therapy to re-learn to walk and talk, and he never drove a gasoline-powered vehicle again.

-'64 owner, last 42 years
The video's clearly show that no one has a monopoly on studpidity.

As for his intentions, let none of you think for a minute, that he will just trash a vehicle in which he has just invested 5K.

I have a pretty good idea of what his real intentions are, and nobody should take this " lower body rear opening " for a fool. My best guess, is that the Vin, and data plate, are soon to be found, attached to a different vehicle, that was found, ( God knows how ) to be without a legal tag. Hence the need to no longer have this body hanging around !

Stay tuned to see a recently discovered 64 roadster, that will just magically appear from knowhere.

Lets start by saying Your Opinions are WRONG! How and why you even came to this conclusion is anyones guess, perhaps you have been there or have done that? The car was found down in PA. The car is almost finished and is back to being a legit Corvette once again! The Vin/trim tag was not removed and is still in place! We just had some fun with it by destroying it, not much to save after he found it (as those who saw it would probably agree). The guy who owns the car has one of the most successsful Corvette restoration shops in the Northeast and has had several Magizine cover cars as well as numerous NCRS Top Flight cars that he has done.
Thanks for watching the video!! Oh and the shop is The Corvette shop in Montgomery NY, also know as Paulywannafly. Have a look on how its coming along. www.thcorvetteshop.com Not a bad purchase for 5k Ehh.
Lets start by saying Your Opinions are WRONG!

How and why you even came to this conclusion is anyones guess, perhaps you have been there or have done that?

We just had some fun with it by destroying it, ..


For starters my opinion is just that, my opinion, and if you don't like it, or disagree with my comments, you are not obliged in any way to read them.

Secondly, I deeply resent your following accusation
How and why you even came to this conclusion is anyones guess, perhaps you have been there or have done that?
If I were on your side of the border, you would most certainly be hearing form my lawyer. :mad

Lastely your comment We just had some fun with it by destroying it
Shows me that you are a person of the same caliber that I refered to in my firsts response when I described the gentlemen as being a " lower rear body opening ".

In closing, I would recommend that you do not go to the trouble of responding to this reply of mine, since I will no longer lower myself to carry on any conversation with you in the future, regardling this thread, or any other for that matter.

The video's clearly show that no one has a monopoly on studpidity.

As for his intentions, let none of you think for a minute, that he will just trash a vehicle in which he has just invested 5K.

I have a pretty good idea of what his real intentions are, and nobody should take this " lower body rear opening " for a fool. My best guess, is that the Vin, and data plate, are soon to be found, attached to a different vehicle, that was found, ( God knows how ) to be without a legal tag. Hence the need to no longer have this body hanging around !

Stay tuned to see a recently discovered 64 roadster, that will just magically appear from knowhere.


Less than 15 days from final completion of the Green 67 coupe
You do have ISSUES
I am the owner of that 64 and I was driving it to destruction . As there was not a single part of the nose worth keeping we felt the best way to remove the parts was to have fun doing just that , pretty effective and efficient way I might add.As far as a Lawyer? You sir are treading in legal
mud yourself with irresponsible statements like see this 64 roadster magically appear out of nowhere . I own and operate a well known and respected Corvette restoration shop and the thought of switching tags is repulsive to me . so please keep your narrow minded and ignorant statements to yourself . This photo is how that same car looks today vin tag and all . in closing after reading some of your posts and seeing the type of work you do, in NY we would call you a "rear lower body opening"
guess we all have opinions eh?
truckster 108.jpg
:ohnoes Man am I glad I am on the other side of the border :booty:pat Thank goodness you will ignore us and never respond again! :gtfo BTW AWSOME BODY WORK YOU DO!
Alrighty, folks... Let's calm down and get back to the business of enjoying classic Corvettes... :cool

I agree! With all the crap in the world right now, let there be peace! We all have a common interest, Cool old CORVETTES! :thumb
I agree! With all the crap in the world right now, let there be peace! We all have a common interest, Cool old CORVETTES! :thumb
I'm hoping Paulywannafly will post up more pictures of his rescue. After seeing the "before" pictures, it'd be nice to see the "during" and "after" pictures too!


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