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C2 Fender flags


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2001
New York
65 with ZZ502
I am changing out my tired 427 for a ZZ502. I've seen fender flags with engine call outs other then Chevy standards. Any one know where I can buy flags with 502?
I made this one from a big block emblem, when I bought my car Bubba had put 427 badges on fender, I put small block emblems on but didn't like the extra hole, so I bought new bb emblems took off the 427 and had a sign shop make the 327 letters and this is what I have.. Wayne
Not sure but I know Viet Nam Vet - Mark - has 502 emblems on his 65.


Mark's were made as a favor to him. I tried to get a similar set - no dice. A personal favor to him.
Mark's were made as a favor to him. I tried to get a similar set - no dice. A personal favor to him.

The ones shown below were custom made by a friend who use to work at the Franklin Mint. He was a model maker. They are made from a Repro set of 427 Turbojet Emblems from LIC supply. The 427 was milled out and he made the 502 script and inserted it in the milled out section.

You could problably find the 502 numbers and have the 427 milled out like mine picture below.



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