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C2 power brake questions

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
I am reinstalling power brakes into my car
I have several questions I hope members can clear
up for me.
1. Is there a gasket located between the booster and
the firewall? Is there a gasket with between the master cylinder and the power booster?
2. With my new booster came 2 round rods one about
2 inches and one about 4 inches long which one is used on a 67 is the other used on a different yr?
3. On the brake pedal lever there is 2 mounting holes for clevis one higher up than the other which one is
to be used?
4. There is a round felt filter on the booster actuation threaded rod. Is it to stay inside the plastic housing?
It wants to come out and ride on the rod.
Can this white plastic housing be rotated to better
align with the hole in the firewall? I see a gap in the
firewall due to misalignment.
I realize this is lengthy I would appreciate your insights
Thank you
I am reinstalling power brakes into my car
I have several questions I hope members can clear
up for me.
1. Is there a gasket located between the booster and
the firewall? Is there a gasket with between the master cylinder and the power booster?
2. With my new booster came 2 round rods one about
2 inches and one about 4 inches long which one is used on a 67 is the other used on a different yr?
3. On the brake pedal lever there is 2 mounting holes for clevis one higher up than the other which one is
to be used?
4. There is a round felt filter on the booster actuation threaded rod. Is it to stay inside the plastic housing?
It wants to come out and ride on the rod.
Can this white plastic housing be rotated to better
align with the hole in the firewall? I see a gap in the
firewall due to misalignment.
I realize this is lengthy I would appreciate your insights
Thank you

1. No gasket between the booster and the firewall, but there's a blow-molded plastic boot between the back of the booster and the firewall (see photo below); it should be oriented so it seals properly. There's also a black rubber gasket/seal between the back of the master cylinder and the front of the booster.

2. The correct/original master cylinder (casting #5455509, stamped "DC" on the front), has a "deep" hole in the rear piston, as opposed to the "shallow" rear piston hole normally found on master cylinders used with power brakes; it takes the "long" actuator rod.

3. The lower hole in the brake pedal is used for the actuator rod clevis and pin with power brakes (the upper hole is used for manual brakes). With power brakes, there's a stamped sheet metal striker bracket that bolts to the upper hole in the pedal to actuate the brake light switch.

4. The round felt filter on the inside pedal pushrod should stay in the housing; it helps quiet the rush of air into the booster.

Once again thanks for being here
and having the knowledge to answer
the endless questions I have posted
Do you have information on the gasket between the booster and master cylinder you refer to above?
The gasket/seal between the booster and the mc is not a flat gasket like on non p/b cars but a round cup that seals the front hole in the booster front cover. The mc seals to it also when tightened. Here is the part in the Zip catalog. You probably got one of these with the booster kit.
thank you for the reply and the very helpful picture.
I do not recall seeing this gasket before. I assume
that the booster I got many years ago did not come
with one
Thanks again

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