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c2 resto mod

michael sommers

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2003
67 sbc conv
I need on advice on my supercharged 67 sbc
This was an 300 hp conv. It has now been redone
and upgraded to a high output motor. Power steering has
been added the suspension rebuilt to stock. The problem is the
car is now scary. The rear end wants to sit down when
the foot gets heavy. I am looking for advice about which way
I should go to get the suspension preforming well.
should I go with a torsion bar for the rear, polyurethane cushions
for the leaf springs, a heavy duty shock ,Should I go back to manual
steering to get the road feel back

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed


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If it was me, I would change to a mono leaf spring setup, go with polybushings and maybe get different shocks with inreased damping. Sounds like your sc sb is laying down some serious horsepower, more than what the "stock" suspension can handle. I would leave the power steering alone and focus on the suspension bits.

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