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C4 Hood Release - How Cable Broken

  • Thread starter Thread starter RobertLee
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My little 85 has a broken hood release cable. I can open the passenger's side but the driver's side stays locked tight. This can't be too big an effort to get the hood up, so I can replace the cables.

Anybody have a clue how this latch can be reached since it is right above the battery, can't go from the underside!

I have new cables to replace the broken one and need to replace the fan belt - this is the reason I can't drive it to a repair shop in Atlanta (135 miles away) Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bob & Jennie Morgan

c4 hood release

:( Hey Bob,
Can't get under the bonnet heh?
Both mid america and Eckler's sell a tool that you will need. Abjout $20.00 bucks. You put it into the area between fender and gasket slide it to the hood latch and rotate 180 degrees then back about 45 to 90 degrees this will release the drivers side latch if you have found the right spot, kind of like a woman.
Good luck it takes some practice but a novice can accomplish it.

Cable install is fairly simple it takes a half hour or so. :beer Here is to a cold one after. jer
Hood Tool...

This is what they advertise, you could build your own for much less. (I paid the twenty dollars. :eyerole)

You will need to wiggle tool in to the latch and slide the release lever over on the side that is broken. After you get it open lube the latch mechanism with some lithium door grease. It will open and close much easier with fresh lube.
Good luck
I've seen the tool for sale in the various magazines, often wondered how it works. Is it really that hard to find the "sweet spot"?
Eagle85C4 said:
Is it really that hard to find the "sweet spot"?

Not really, with just a little practice you can do it in a few seconds. ;)
Got Her Up - The HOOD !

Man, I want to thank you very much. Took your advise, well, most of it. Went back to the hall closet, found an old, really heavy coat hanger that was vinal coated (You don't see these any more) cut the hook and twists off, then bent about an inch on the end at 90 degrees.

Like you said, it takes time to find the sweet spot, but up it popped when I did. Talking about the vette's hood now. Jennie - my partner in life and in crime came out to the car port and found the hood up and man she was super happy.

Might want to explain that just a bit. Now we can change the fan belt and she can drive it to work. She likes being the most underpaid state employee and driving an "off the show room floor vette to work". Drives the young guy out of their minds, with her silver hair flowing in the breeze while she babies that ride in and out of the parking lot.

Really appreciate all the help.

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