Adam Boca
Active member
Get Ready for the C4/ZR-1 Gathering May 8-10
This year's C4/ZR-1 Gathering promises to be one of the most exciting “Gathering” events ever, offering more scenic tours, displays and fun. We are thrilled to have you join us, so register now to be a part of the fun!
Seminars, road tours, autocross and the return of drag racing are just a few of the activities planned for this year's Gathering event. The event is co-hosted by the ZR-1 Net Registry, the Grand Sport Registry and the Callaway Owners Group. The 20 th anniversary of the Corvette Challenge Series will be marked with a special display of “Challenge” cars during the event, along with hundreds of Vettes on the grounds!
Activities begin on Thursday, May 8, with two scenic road tours – a Lincoln Heritage Scenic Tour and Lunch and a Makers Mark Scenic Tour and. Pre-registration is required for each road tour, and space is limited.
Friday's events include several informative seminars. Seminar topics include troubleshooting, Powertrain, design, and engineering. There will also be a “Celebrity Car Show,” a silent auction, group photo and meetings held by the Grand Sport Registry, the Callaway Owners Group, and ZR-1 Net Registry. Friday's activities end with a BBQ dinner at the 1869 Homestead B&B.
Event participants can also be a part of the new ZR1 “walk around” and find out all there is to know about the new model!
The fun continues on Saturday with an autocross event, drag racing and a free scenic road tour. To close the event, there will be a banquet and auction Saturday night. Several unique collectibles will be up for bid, so be sure to add this banquet to your registration plans.
Registration is now open, and we look forward to your participation.