cavettefan said:
The paint job sure looks glossy/wet. Are you using Zaino by any chance? If not using Zaino, what are you using?
I've seen Glenn's car in person, and it is certainly lovely with a beautiful finish. He keeps it meticulously maintained. As a matter of fact, you can see it in the photo below at the end of the line:
Don't know whether he uses Zaino or not, but I think the effect you may be reacting to is achieved using something called "unsharp masking" in a program like Adobe Photoshop. Here's an example using my car -- the first photo is without any "modification," the second has the unsharp masking filter applied to the car -- I've
greatly exaggerated it to make it clearer -- it's the identical photo:
I know I don't use Zaino, wouldn't touch the stuff. My car see the car wash 95% of the time, and it is two years old with almost 36,000 miles on the odometer.
If you look at the photo I took with Glenn's car in it, my C5 is the black one between the yellow convertible and the '57 Chevy -- as you can see, that photo was unsharped masked as well. Look at the "shine" on the hoods that are open, for example. Dead giveaway.
So, as they say, "pictures don't lie." Well, maybe they just exaggerate.