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C6 Tranny and Diff Fluid Install


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
2013 GS 4LT M6 Nite Race Blue, 68 Coupe , 68 Vert
Hey guys,
I've done plenty of these on my past vettes. This C6 is a challenge. I have hoses, bottle cap hoses. The area is just too small. Does anyone know of a small electric pump or something like that? Thanks,Jeff
I haven't been under a C6, but on my C5 I just use an Amsoil hand pump ... able to get the long snout into the trans and diff fill holes without using the extender hose ...
Thanks for your help.
HI there,
I normally will use the bottle of GM fluid, as it comes with a nozzle.
Install 3/8 fuel hose on the tip and feed it into the fill hole.
Place the bottle horizontally in between the 2 mufflers and then squeeze the bottle, to force the fluid in.
Allthebest, c4c5
Great Thread , thanks again.

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