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(Callaway C16 and SC Vette) In So. Cal. and want to see the LA Auto Show?


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2002
Pete Callaway mentioned that he has some complimentary tickets to the LA Auto Show for this week (through Sunday) and are avail. for any Callaway owner or enthusiast for the asking :cool

If you can make the show, dro pme an email and I will give you the code for the door and where to get your complimentary LA Auto Show Tickets :w
Isn't that Corvette the same color as Luigi's future C16?

I believe that car's color is Atomic Orange Metallic Tintcoat.

Pete Callaway mentioned that he has some complimentary tickets to the LA Auto Show for this week (through Sunday) and are avail. for any Callaway owner or enthusiast for the asking :cool

If you can make the show, dro pme an email and I will give you the code for the door and where to get your complimentary LA Auto Show Tickets :w

anytime when they will be exhibiting Auto show at this side of the lake.

I look forward to meet them and the cars :)

Any plans for European car shows 2008 ??

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