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Callaway Sway Bars


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
2013 GS 4LT M6 Nite Race Blue, 68 Coupe , 68 Vert
A few vendors sell the Callaway Sway Bars. I ordered mine from Callaway To get the latest changes if any they make. A surprise to me is that mine are BLACK with the Callaway name instead of the Callaway royal blue color. Are they phasing out the blue for the black ? Any take on this Chris ? I've also seen the Eibach / Callaway shocks are black and red not the blue. Jeff
I don't know - the bars have been blue for a LONG time, but everything is subject to change, as they say... ;shrug
I talked to Wayne in the shop. He said the BOSS was riding behind one of the new cars and didn't like the contrast. Black it is.Jeff

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