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Camshaft installation

Jul 5, 2002
Dayton, Ohio USA
'74 383 4 spd coupe
Hey guys, I have been advised when I install my new cam to set it at 106*. Would someone please inform me of this procedure and the importance of it. Again, thanks for being here for guys like me. peace Bud :cool
most cam manufactures recommend installing at 0 degrees with the rule of thumb more torque install advanced a couple of degrees and if you want more top end retard it. You can usually find details on how to "degree" in a cam with the kit or the manufacturors catalog.
Hey Boss, thanks for the reply. I didn't know if the 106* was in reference to 6* before or after TDC. How do you like your 5 speed? My next major upgrade is going to be an overdrive transmission. Is it a direct bolt in replacement or is there fabrication involed?
The 5 speed is great, some minor mount mods, shorten the driveshaft, special yoke. I have had it since the winter of 1999/2000 when I did the tpi/5-speed conversion. I made a new shift plate because the shifter location in the TKO I used is different. there are now trans kits out there that have the shifter moved but I don't know about them. The TKO is a great trans and $1000 less then the Richmond 6 speed.
the 106 degree can be either the lobe center angle (distance between the centerlines of the cam lobes) or some engine builders "degree" the cam in to the intake centerline.
You should install the cam according to the manufactors instructions first and then make any changes later. Unless it is a roller cam you should always use new lifters and cam lube. Do not let it run under 2000 rpm for the first 1/2 hour run time to properly break in the cam and lifters.
TKO project http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?selected=558419
TPI project http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?selected=475622
photos in no special order, someday I'll do a webpage;LOL
If you use the same tranny, a 400 turbo with od. and same length shaft, it's a bolt on.go to a th350, and your living my nightmare.lol.mike
Hey Boss, again thanks. The price of the TKO was what caught my eye in the first place. I hate it when people use terms I don't reconize like "install your cam at 106*" and I don't have the nerve to ask them what they mean. So I turn to you guys. Forgetting that the only dumb question is the one not asked.

Hey Mike, That's OK. I have enough nightmares already. I have a 30 year old car, a 100 year old house, and a 19 year old son.

Peace Bud

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