Hi ecss,
module 4 the code H15 is displayed.
odule 1, codes H51, H72 and H74 are displayed.
Module 4 DTC 15 is an engine coolant temperature sensor low temperature indicated. The sensor
is screwed into the water pump. The two pin connector has a Yellow wire and a Black wire.
Remove the plug and verify the sensor isn't leaking inside the plug. Also verify the connector
is secure.
The 15 code indicates the computer thinks the engine temperature is less than -52F :ugh
You can look at that sensor by doing the following. On the dash cluster DIC buttons press the Gauges
button which displays the Oil temp. the Coolant temperature or the Battery voltage on the
dash cluster LCD. Keep pressing the gauges button until the coolant temperature is displayed.
When it displays the coolant temperature it should be what the engine temperature is.
Compare the temperature to the temperature on the analog temperature gauge.
If the sensor is not accurate, replace it. It just screws out. You will need to drain some of the coolant out or
if you're quick, unscrew it and screw another one it and you won't loose much coolant. :L
If you do this, cover the optispark with a towel so no coolant gets on the Optispark.
The 51 is an invalid pass key. The key pellet resistance did not match what the CCM was programmed for.
The Security light on the dash cluster should be on and the starter won't crank the engine. You have to wait
5 minutes before retrying. Could be a dirty or worn key pellet, bad contacts in the ignition key cylinder or the two
wires of the ignition key cylinder are going bad. Every time you turn the ignition key the two stranded wires
twist and eventually break.
72 and 74 are due to an aftermarket radio being installed. When you remove the factory radio some pull up
resistors are also removed so when the CCM does a power up self test it sets the two codes indicating something is wrong with the LCD and LED dimming circuits. SYS will usually flash in the LCD.
Below is a picture of the ECT sensor in the water pump.
Also the Technical Service Bulletin to fix the 72 and 74 which is to solder (2) 1K ohm resistors to the proper
Click the link below for the radio fix.