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Christmas In July


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2004
to those who responded to my earlier requests, thanks a bunch for the advice. but santa clause came early in atlanta as i got my two turbos back from callaway today!!!!! much money and a lot of time later, but, two completely overhauled/reconditioned factory turbos for car number 88026. going to put the new intake, water pump and injectors in tomorrow and maybe begin the plumbing on the turbos. sunday is my birthday, what a happy boy i am. if u call a 43 year old a happy boy. oh yeah, some of you guys have multiple toys. i enclosed a pic of my other one i have had for 21 years. thanks again. when this thing breathes again, i will sit down and write u guys the fantastic story of how it all came to be. see ya,
looks like pics wont work to big a file. will send later......
Congrats and Happy Birthday. I'm going to have a:beer or two Sunday to celebrate your day and will await to hear how the project is going
Good deal - I was at Callaway last weekend and noticed the turbo missing for a "project" off the display engine - I am glad they were able to help :m
I thought your housings were damaged?? Great news..did you get the turbo Chris is referring to?
i am not sure where they came up with their magic, i am just glad they did. i took a couple pics of the reworked turbos lying on my office floor. i will try to send them with pics of tomorrows work. if i can figure out how to size these pics with my camera and computer. new at this digital camera stuff
darn dont know, have thrown the idea at my better half. she is fine with it. i think a lot will depend on how fast i get things done this week. i still have an 11 hour a day job and that doesnt allow much time for toys. remember this car has been apart for over 2 years. i think i have at least all the big pieces now, new to go back. cant tell i am excited by my earlier message huh? may definitely have to find me one of those neat callaway owner group shirts so i can fit in.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


Callaway comes through once again!

Callaway SUPPORTS the owners

Like I have said before Callaway will SUPPORT the owners. Perfect example . I am glad you were able to get your problem worked out. Happy Birthday
TurboLuigi said:
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


Callaway comes through once again!

Congratulations!! That is great news that Callaway can now repair almost any turbo regardless of how damaged it may be. Looks like we may be able to keep these cars running for many years. Good luck with the assembly!
callaway4fun said:
Like I have said before Callaway will SUPPORT the owners. Perfect example . I am glad you were able to get your problem worked out. Happy Birthday
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :upthumbs

Hope you had an enjoyable B-Day :m

...BTW, when do you think the B2K will be back on the road??
well, saturday i went to the dealership, installed new waterpump and pulley, new tpis
intake manifold, new injectors, new egr, new larger tuned port runners and plenum. got the distributor set in and that was my sat. morning. what that basically leaves is all the plumbing work for the turbos, and exhaust systems. i hope to have a realistic date figured out by wednesday or thursday. possible we might do the work at our store. that would make things quicker. dont see it getting done in time for carlisle, but, i am hopeful that it will be soon. too much to do to get it ready for that in such short time. trailers, cleanup, reservations, etc. i got some pics of the intake install, and i will try to send them out tomorrow..
CALLAWAY1988 said:
well, saturday i went to the dealership, installed new waterpump and pulley, new tpis
intake manifold, new injectors, new egr, new larger tuned port runners and plenum. got the distributor set in and that was my sat. morning. what that basically leaves is all the plumbing work for the turbos, and exhaust systems. i hope to have a realistic date figured out by wednesday or thursday. possible we might do the work at our store. that would make things quicker. dont see it getting done in time for carlisle, but, i am hopeful that it will be soon. too much to do to get it ready for that in such short time. trailers, cleanup, reservations, etc. i got some pics of the intake install, and i will try to send them out tomorrow..
One month 'till Carlisle - plenty of time ;)
Keep the faith :upthumbs Sounds like the Callaway project is right on track :m

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