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Circuit of The Americas (COTA) Track Event February 22-24, 2019


Active member
Apr 7, 2014
Gateway To The West
Good Day All:

I hope this finds each of you in good spirits as we enjoy an early Winter blast. I’m already thinking a more southern location is in the cards this coming Winter. Perhaps a late February trip to sunny, warm Austin, Texas?!

For the 7th year in a row MVP Track Time is headed to Austin, Texas for some on-track fun. It’s time to sign up for three days of driving on America’s only purpose built F1 track, Circuit of The Americas (COTA) in Austin. MVP Track Time has scheduled our 6[SUP]th[/SUP] annual three-day COTA track event for February 22 – 24, 2019.

The entry fee for all three days is $1,375, same price and 2014-2018. If you’d like to register for a single day or two days, contact me at (314) 249-3770 or Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com.

Initially, as with our previous COTA events, this event will be for ADVANCED and INTERMEDIATE skill/experience drivers only.

If you are in doubt whether you meet the Advanced or Intermediate criteria, call me at (314) 249-3770 to discuss your experience. There are a limited number of spots available for COTA. Yes, COTA fills fast.

The $1,375 entry fee for all three days at COTA can only be completed with Pay Pal (you can use any major credit card through the Pay Pal system if you don’t have a Pay Pal account) at the link below:


Once you have completed the entry fee, head over to the “Registration Page” of MVP’s web site (link below) to register. You’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the blue outlined registration box. Click on the“Event” drop-down menu and choose Circuit of The Americas (All Three Days): February 22-24, 2019.

On Line Registration

We will have four (blue, green, yellow and red) run groups allowing us to schedule our customary two hours of track time daily for each run group.

In the spirit of transparency, the rental of COTA, as you can guess, is extremely expensive, so once you register, MVP will not be able to give you a refund until COTA is sold out and we have a replacement for you. If/when we can replace you, there will be a $100 cancellation fee. Inside of four weeks (January 25, 2019 and later) prior to the COTA event there is no refund. This is the expensive reality of renting Circuit of The Americas.

If you have any questions, grab the phone and call me at (314) 249-3770 or you can e-mail Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com.

Happy Motoring and I hope to see you at COTA. Enjoy your day.

Mark Pfeffer – MVP Track Time
Phone: (314) 249-3770
E-mail: Feffman@MVPTrackTime.com


  • COTA Official Map.jpg
    COTA Official Map.jpg
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