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Clutch won't disengage - 62.

David Hawkins

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2006
Mechanicsburg, PA
1962 Ermine White Hardtop
So I parked the car last winter after a final drive for the season. Haven't done anything with it since (I know...bad owner! BAD!). Today, I changed the oil, fired it up and got ready to go on a nice long cruise. Put in the clutch, move over toward reverse - griiiiind. WTF? Can't find any of the other gears either.

Turn it off, put it in reverse and bump the starter...out of the garage it goes.

I didn't have anyone else around to push the clutch pedal so I could watch the linkage, but what the hell could have gone wrong from just sitting? Everything looks okay from above...

Hrm; just found this - http://mgaguru.com/mgtech/clutch/ct_104.htm
Wait a minute. You put it away last winter and just fired it up today September 14'th for the first time since then?;shrug
I would be putting my money on the clutch disc being rusted to the transmission input shaft splines...
Following the advice in the link I posted above, I put it in 4th, pressed the clutch in and started the car and it freed right up.

Tonight, we cruise...
Following the advice in the link I posted above, I put it in 4th, pressed the clutch in and started the car and it freed right up.

Tonight, we cruise...

Glad to hear you didn't have to take it apart.

Enjoy the cruise. :)
I'm glad you got it going. Now make up for lost time.:beer
Following the advice in the link I posted above, I put it in 4th, pressed the clutch in and started the car and it freed right up.

Tonight, we cruise...

Back when I was driving my '59 only once every few months this was a common occurrence. No rust involved. The disc just sticks to the flywheel.

Back when I was driving my '59 only once every few months this was a common occurrence. No rust involved. The disc just sticks to the flywheel.


All my ole' stuff sticks because of the humidity in my garage and warehouse. I always crank 'em in neutral and let the motor warm up a minute, then put in whatever gear the car is facing and crank with the clutch on the floor. Usually after several blips of the throttle with the car moving while holding the clutch petal down it'll unglue itself from the flywheel.

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