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Convert Power-glide to 4 Speed

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1965 Tommy

HELP!!! I am looking for information and parts to convert a power-glide to a 4 speed. I have an awesome fully restored # matching 1965 Power-glide car but it's not fun to drive. I need your help! Please :)
HELP!!! I am looking for information and parts to convert a power-glide to a 4 speed. I have an awesome fully restored # matching 1965 Power-glide car but it's not fun to drive. I need your help! Please :)

Everything is a bolt-in with either original or reproduction parts, all of which are available from all the major Corvette vendors and swap meets; figure about $3K-4K for parts. :thumb
Thanks John I am more of a part replacer than a mechanic but if I can get all of the parts I can probably get some more talented help for this. Any suggestions on who I should call for parts. Paragon? or??? I go to Iola every year so I will look for parts there but not sure what I need?
Thanks John I am more of a part replacer than a mechanic but if I can get all of the parts I can probably get some more talented help for this. Any suggestions on who I should call for parts. Paragon? or??? I go to Iola every year so I will look for parts there but not sure what I need?

Except for the transmission, Paragon will have everything you need for the conversion.


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