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Convertible or hard top?

1989 406

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2005
Moorestown, NJ
1989 406
I am leaning towards a convertible because that was what we had in the past. I see a lot more hard tops selection wise. I am not sure at this point.

I would be interested in hearing some input from both owners. Why they chose one over the other. Maybe there is something I may have missed.

Also are there any C4s with a power convertible top?

Why not by a convertible with a hard top. Best of both worlds. C4 did not do automatic tops. You have to get out of the car and work :-)

I have a 1995 convertible. I bought the ragtop for a few reasons

1. I am 6' 5'' and about 230 pounds, me head hits on the hardtop.
Headroom is unlimited with the top down.

2. Open air motoring really makes the trip more memorable to me.

3. Convertibles are easier to sell and retain a higher resale value on the used car market.

4. Women really like convertibles.

Ok now with that being said, a few drawbacks do exist.

1. Every punk with an attitude and a knife can easily get into your car. I dont even bother locking it. Why bother ?

2. When it rains it is LOUD inside the car.

3. Onboard storage issues exist. Especially with the top down.

4. The chassis has more flex than a hardtop. Although I have only noticed this in very extreme situations.

5. Some women get very upset when their hair gets blown into a giant fuzzy mess
2. When it rains it is LOUD inside the car.

5. Some women get very upset when their hair gets blown into a giant fuzzy mess

Hey! I get upset when my hair gets into a giant fuzzy mess. :chuckle

If your nearly deaf, that helps a lot. I actually find it is quieter with the top down and windows up than with top up.

It is tough to beat the top down , you get to hear the car buffs yelling " Nice Car" :thumb

I think it depends on your age.

I bought a coupe 10 years ago and took the roof off twice and did not like the noise and it was HOT with the sun beating down on me.

I have not had the top off in over 9 years so for me I would not pay the extra money for a rag top.

Since I drive a Corvette like it was meant to be driven I have made modifications to stiffen the car for improved performance so paying more for less don't make sense for me.

50 years ago I would have bought the rag top ;shrug
I like my vert but it is loud inside with top up or down. It sounds like a door is not closed completely. It is a head turner however. :beer
I m on vett number four and I'm in my 60's.Love the free spirt of a vert.

I can also stand up and pee :D

Now Steve, I'd like to see that! That's 'bout as bad as putting the top down so you can throw empty bottles at highway signs. :L
I have owned Convertibles all my life, starting with my first a 57 Chevy. I love a convertible and the noise has never bothered me. The 91 Vette that I now have is great and the noise is not all that bad. I just turn up the volume on the radio/cd a little louder when running. I too have a problem getting into and out of a Vette with a top on or the top up.
My motto has always been" If it aint a ragtop, it's a parts car".
I say hard top (targa)! Thats what I have and it is the best of both worlds. I actually had it off today cruising around campus. It goes on or off in about 60 seconds after you have done it a few times (use the ratchet to screw it in). When the top is down you cannot tell it is not a convertable unless you look in the rearview mirror. Plus the top is see thru so it is like a giant sunroof when it is up. It stores easily in the trunk, and it gets the same looks from people as a convertable!

I say go top down with a hard top coupe! Good luck!:cool

Pretty much all of the positives of a convertable, but the quiet ride, security, etc. of a hard top!
I think it's all just which you prefer more, not because of mechanical or such advantages of one over the other unless the car is being purchased with some kind of racing or competitive driving in mind. I have a coupe because I'm not normally a convertable fan, mid years and C3's are about the only cars at all I like in a vert, anything else I prefer a hard top. Get the one you like best and enjoy it!
Some valid points made by others here but I haven't seen any reason above that would ever make me choose a C4 coupe over a C4 convertible unless it was a ZR1, GS or Callaway.

With the optional hardtop it's stiffer than a coupe and IMO much better looking than a coupe.
Like it was stated previously, it is your preference. I have a 94 convertible and an 02 coupe. Love them both, but I drive the convertible more because the top is down. I've had 4 coupes (3 C2s, 1 C5) and 5 convertibles. I prefer the convertible and if I could only have one, then it would be a convertible. The only drawback to the C4 convertible over the C4 coupe is the lack of luggage space, especially with the top down and even more so when I put the hard top on. This is why I have a luggage rack (can't purchase them anymore unless you find one for sale in the forum or on e-bay). I use the luggage rack quite a bit. I will say this, it is fun driving the coupe with the top removed, but it is not the same as the convertible. I think I've driven the coupe with the lid off maybe 4 times. Suggest you drive one of each model to get a feeling for the difference. Spring is on us and Summer is convertible weather in Colorado. Yesterday we had 5 inches of snow, so the hard top stays on.
I'm on my 4th Vette - all were ragtops. I wouldn't want a coupe, it feels too confining when inside. I like to feel the air blowing where my hair used to be.
My first vette was almost a vert, but waited and bought a FAST coupe, then got a vert any way LOL
I love the hardtop fo the LOOKS:upthumbs the wifes 89


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