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Convertible Rear Bow Weatherstrip

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Seems like weatherstripping questions come up all the time. Sorry about that :) I need a pic of a soft top rear bow weatherstripping - here's the story: read on...

I've been having tons of problem with what I've read on a few posts is the worst part of the job, my soft top rear bow weatherstrip. The problem right now is there was no weatherstrip there when I go to it. Before I bought the car, the guy had replaced the top... guess those guys threw out that piece and decided to leave it that way. Ok, long story short - I need help ;help

I have no idea how it fits - I know there's a groove, and the weatherstrip is of course aftermarket so I can't trust its fit. The rest of the car fit ok (mostly). Can anyone take a closup picture of their soft top rear bow weatherstripping and show me why this thing isn't going in like it should? Thanks for any help.

69_Dream said:
Seems like weatherstripping questions come up all the time. Sorry about that :) I need a pic of a soft top rear bow weatherstripping - here's the story: read on...

I've been having tons of problem with what I've read on a few posts is the worst part of the job, my soft top rear bow weatherstrip. The problem right now is there was no weatherstrip there when I go to it. Before I bought the car, the guy had replaced the top... guess those guys threw out that piece and decided to leave it that way. Ok, long story short - I need help ;help

I have no idea how it fits - I know there's a groove, and the weatherstrip is of course aftermarket so I can't trust its fit. The rest of the car fit ok (mostly). Can anyone take a closup picture of their soft top rear bow weatherstripping and show me why this thing isn't going in like it should? Thanks for any help.

Is the W/S on top of the rear bow? I can snap some photos tonight. This is the 3rd top on my car (counting the original) so I can't verify if it's "correct."
Is the W/S on top of the rear bow? I can snap some photos tonight. This is the 3rd top on my car (counting the original) so I can't verify if it's "correct."
I'd appreciate it if you'd take a pic or 2 since I have no idea if the WS is on top or below... I tried a few different ways of fitting it, none felt "right". I figure I won't be replacing it for AT LEAST another 10 years, I'd rather do it right. :D

69_Dream said:
I'd appreciate it if you'd take a pic or 2 since I have no idea if the WS is on top or below... I tried a few different ways of fitting it, none felt "right". I figure I won't be replacing it for AT LEAST another 10 years, I'd rather do it right. :D

I looked at it this am - didn't take a photo but will do so tonight. It looks like the "padding" is attached to the top and is inserted into the bow. It is about 1/2" (at least) thick above the bow. Are we talking about the same thing cause I wouldn;t call this weatherstripping?
Twin, any update on the pics? :L Kidding kinda, since obviously it's a case of forgetting ;)

I'm back tackling the issue of stripping the doors and adjusting the weatherstripping (by the way, the soft top and doors things is a MAJOR PITA). Has anyone done this recently and care to comment?

If anyone could take a closeup picture or two of the way the rear bow weatherstrip fits into the rear portion of the soft top, I'd really appreciate. Thanks.
69_Dream said:
Twin, any update on the pics? :L Kidding kinda, since obviously it's a case of forgetting ;)

I'm back tackling the issue of stripping the doors and adjusting the weatherstripping (by the way, the soft top and doors things is a MAJOR PITA). Has anyone done this recently and care to comment?

If anyone could take a closeup picture or two of the way the rear bow weatherstrip fits into the rear portion of the soft top, I'd really appreciate. Thanks.
I have a good excuse. In Aug, I put in new front springs, poly control arm bushings, ball joints some interior stuff and did some frame clean up and painting for my annual Watkins Glen trip. Just got back yesterday. Car performed flawlessly. Going got 19 mpg! That's going up to 75 mph. Didnt fill up yet so don't know the return. In any event, what I was sort of inferring with my post, is that I don't think you are going to see much with the photo. But I will take one tonight. Promise, unless I forget!
I have a good excuse. In Aug, I put in new front springs, poly control arm bushings, ball joints some interior stuff and did some frame clean up and painting for my annual Watkins Glen trip. Just got back yesterday. Car performed flawlessly. Going got 19 mpg! That's going up to 75 mph. Didnt fill up yet so don't know the return. In any event, what I was sort of inferring with my post, is that I don't think you are going to see much with the photo. But I will take one tonight. Promise, unless I forget!
Well I took the pictures and the CD won't come up on my office computer. Fk.
I will copy my scandisk via another program to the CD and post the results tomorrow. I don't know if you are going to see much in the photos. You can't really see the weatherstrip but we'll give it a shot.
The weatherstrip goes in first, then the top over it?

I kinda figured it out over the last couple days (I think ;shrug ). Everyone keeps talking about a "wire" where the weatherstrip I have is just rubber, but the end is kinda shaped so it could be fit in the top... again, I think :confused

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate all the effort you're putting into this ;worship
69_Dream said:
The weatherstrip goes in first, then the top over it?

I kinda figured it out over the last couple days (I think ;shrug ). Everyone keeps talking about a "wire" where the weatherstrip I have is just rubber, but the end is kinda shaped so it could be fit in the top... again, I think :confused

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate all the effort you're putting into this ;worship
No effort really. Does the top of the bow have a channel where this weatherstrip goes? As I mentioned before, what I have does not appear to be rubber. It's hard to see what's going on because I have to lift the window out of the way and on mine, it's not too flexable cause the top was put on in the mid 70's. The car was used infrequently after the top installation and was in storage from 1989 till 3 years ago. I too need ALL new weatherstriping and a new top. I tried to put on a top from JC Whitney before I got the professional install. Can't remember too much about it but what I do remember is that it wasn't working out (my install) and I ended up returning the top.

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