Hi! We're repainting the silver coves on my '56 and cannot validate the Valspar, PPG or Dupont Paint Code. We're ready to shoot and when we went for the paint, everything translated to some sort of RED! This refers to Valspar MW5604 and Dupont 58559. WRONG! Online references take you into a circular search which equates the 1957 silver with the 1956. The judging manual for 1956-57's clearly states that the two silvers are NOT the same. I need the 1956 Metallic silver pronto. Some years ago I asked the respected Vette guy who "wrote the book" and he buzzed me off. I ended up going with the '57 color which is why I can't photo-verify what's on there now. Somebody must know and frankly, I'm in a time pinch. Can anyone save the day? - azpaul50