I have the original clock in a 77 Vette that after the battery has been disconnected it still runs for about three minutes.
I never heard of a clock being magnetized as I was told, but does the Console Gauge Printed Circuit board have anything to do with the clock still running after the battery disconnected?
Reason being is that I have a dead battery after three days. The battery was tested fine twice; I did the test light troubleshooting and found that the lighter, interior light and the clock were on the same circuit.
I’m not sure how much amps the circuit is suppose to be or even how to test this, but before I pull the clock out for repair I need some troubleshooting tips that someone has experienced on this.
Actually I'm putting blame on the clock because it still runs after the battery has been disconnected and think it’s causing the battery drain.
Since I have the carpet out the lighter will be next to be disconnected and another test will be done.
Is there a plug for the interior light that disconnects the interior lighting so I can troubleshoot that?
I never heard of a clock being magnetized as I was told, but does the Console Gauge Printed Circuit board have anything to do with the clock still running after the battery disconnected?
Reason being is that I have a dead battery after three days. The battery was tested fine twice; I did the test light troubleshooting and found that the lighter, interior light and the clock were on the same circuit.
I’m not sure how much amps the circuit is suppose to be or even how to test this, but before I pull the clock out for repair I need some troubleshooting tips that someone has experienced on this.
Actually I'm putting blame on the clock because it still runs after the battery has been disconnected and think it’s causing the battery drain.
Since I have the carpet out the lighter will be next to be disconnected and another test will be done.
Is there a plug for the interior light that disconnects the interior lighting so I can troubleshoot that?