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Corvette Custom Chassis - Vintage Is Only Skin Deep

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster

Very few cars can match the style of the Corvettes that came with chrome bumpers. From the frank, wide-eyed front end of the late-'50s C1s to the muscular smugness of the early sharks, they embody the central tension between elegance and raw power that has always defined America's sports car. Unfortunately, for those accustomed to modern performance vehicles, driving one of these vintage Vettes in "spirited" fashion can be a truly terrifying experience. Indeed, given the heart-pounding fear that comes from combining razor-thin tires with sudden rear-wheel camber shifts while cornering, perhaps it's no wonder Chevy long called itself "The Heartbeat of America."​



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