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Corvette Day at Lars Andersen Auto Museum Brookline MA

Corvette day at Lars

Hi , I made it to the lawn show and took about 135 photos of many of the C1-c2 plus C-3 to C-6's that were present. Many are award winners. Trip was 250 miles round trip, 15.2 MPG , average speed on highways 76 mph, car ran at 3,400 to 4,000 rpms for almost 4 hours with 3.70 rear. It was great, no traffic and everybody doing 70 to 85, I did have to pass a few at 103 .........

Here is a link to Auto Museum Larz Anderson Auto Museum

You can view a complete slide show by clicking on this link to Photo Bucket to see all photos

Lars Andersen Auto Museum Slideshow by jackfit87 | Photobucket

Here are a few of photos of the cars and Museum

Ed Johnson NCRS member 63 roadster

Friend David 63

Arthur in his 57 fuelie Perfect I think

I think this one is mine


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