After 1000's trying to have this car fixed, my sisters husbands brother looked at my car and just by listen to the car he found everything wrong with it. 1) The gas was boiling in the carb which caused missfires making my car die out when I floored it. 2) A vacum tube was switched 3) spark plugs running to hot causeing the car to run 20 degrees hotter then it should 4) Just by listen to the car he heard that it had hydraulic and that it was set wrong so that needs to be set. So for 32 bucks I have a car that runs perfect now and thats why I am so ****ed and want to go back and sue half of the shops that worked on my car because they replaced parts that did not need to be replaced at all, one shop replaced my carb charged me 400 and the car still died out and they just said o well, its the cam and did nothing about it. Another replaced the Headlight Aculators when there was nothing wrong with them, when more then likely its a vacum problem, replaced idle arm completly nothing wrong with it. Any way for 6 months my car barley ran with a new engine and now its fixed for 32 bucks.