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Corvette Funfest 2010

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
If you did not make it to Corvette Funfest 2010 then you missed a good time. The Concert on Sat night was one of the best that Mid America has put on. The Guess Who did a great job. There was plenty of things going on there all weekend from sounding off your mufflers to a couple of cars doing Burn outs, and yes one of the cars belonged to a CAC member. The rain held off till after the concert and then it rained lightly most of the night and a little on Sunday morning. After it stopped Sunday morning it was a nice day. I hope all who went had a good time. I know we did:beer:beer.
I'm thinking the concert runs a close second to the Three Dog Night from a couple of years ago... Wife and I had a blast!!
Thanks to everyone for coming to Corvette Funfest 2010. As I am reading various posts over the forums, I have read lots of great comments to share with our team. We have designed a Corvette Funfest 2010 survey that I would like for everyone who attended to fill out. With your feedback, we will know what went well and what can be improved upon for our 2011 event.

2010 Corvette Funfest Survey

Thank you in advance,

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