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corvette pin


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2002
2003 50Th Corvette
I was doing my weekend Air Force Reserve duty this past weekend and a friend stop by my shop and asked if i was still into Corvette's , i said "yes" and he removed a Corvette pin from his pocket,hmmm , i looked at it and knew right away it must be old because it is made of metal and the flags are colored and it had a piece on the bottom of this rounded pin that says owner, okay it is a nice pin i told him and he says his grandfater passed and as they were going through his stuff sometime later they ran across this. they were going to throw it away when my friend told them he knew a friend that was into corvette;s and he could give it to me and that's what he did. it was a surprise and a great thought and honor. i now want to know if any of you know any history about this pin and if so what. when might these pins have been made. i will try to get more info to and maytbe a photo.
Here is a pic. the pin i have is made of metal and has aclip on the bck. also at rthe bottom it has an add on that says owner. any idea how old it is?

It's stamped on the back - M1/5
10K DP

I'm thinking its gold????
Corvette Pin

When they first started selling Corvettes, there was a card in the owner's manual that you could tear out and send in. When you did this, GM would then send you a Corvette Owner's pin and a subscription to Corvette Quarterly. I believe they stopped the pin practice around 1967. I have seen repros--actually I have a repro but not an orginal since I was a kid. Hang on to it that is a keeper. That was a nice gesture on your friend's part.

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