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Corvette specifc web search engine - need input!


Feb 14, 2005
1998 Artic White Coupe
Hi Everyone,

We need your input...what would you all think of a Corvette-only web search engine that made it easy to find anything for your Vette, in YOUR city?

I recently moved to the San Francisco bay area and found it frustrating that I couldn't locate info online about a good local Corvette specific mechanic to take my car to. CitySearch.com and others provide addresses and maps, but no quality information about the shop, prices, or what services they offer. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to take Her to Bob's Oil and Lube for an even just an oil change, and we all know dealerships aren't much better. It got me thinking - what would a Corvette only search engine look like? One that helped you find parts, services, and tools, in your own city. One that allowed fellow Vette owners to offer ratings and reviews so that you KNOW She'll be in good hands. Well after a few months of development, a fellow enthusiast and I are just a handful of weeks away from launching the site. Since it's a local search, we'll be starting with just a few cities, and then adding more over time. We're launching the site with San Francisco, San Jose, and Columbus, Ohio.

My question to you - What other cities have a high concentration of Corvette ownership which we should focus on adding to the site next? We'd like the site to be as useful as possible for as many people as possible, and haven't found much demographic info on where Corvette ownership is concentrated (besides the obvious fair weather cities). Any thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated!

Once we launch the site we'd love to hear everyone's feed back so we can make version 2.0 better. Stay tuned...

:beer Cheers
You would probly be able to find simular information on most local Corvette club websites. Most major cities (Chicago, Detroit, LA) would have local Corvette clubs. You could also check out E Opinions.
JoeMackin - thanks for the input. Unfortunately Epinions doesn't offer the speed or efficiency of a Corvette specific search. In fact, a search for "corvette service" yielded zero results. It's our hope that by making the site focused on only one specific car (vs Epinions and CitySearch who allow you to look for anything from flower shops to restaurants) - you'll be able to find what you're looking for in just a few clicks. You're right about local club web sites offering similar information, but it seems to be scattered and difficult to find if you travel, or say, travel to races and need to know where to find a shop with a lift to make that last minute repair in a foreign city. We hope to centralize this information.

A few other notes about the site: The site is free for anyone to use. We're not selling anything. The search results will not offer links to Internet services or products. It will not offer user forums. It is intended to build a community of user ratings and reviews strictly for the intent of providing Corvette owners qualified information to allow for educated decisions when choosing a local service.

Keep the suggestions coming, we want the site to be useful!

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